CDX Visits Lukfook Jewellery Cambodia, Exploring Business Collaboration and Boosting Precious Metals Industry

CDX Visits Lukfook Jewellery Cambodia, Exploring Business Collaboration and Boosting Precious Metals Industry

On March 26, 2022, Cambodian Derivatives Exchange (CDX) visited Lukfook Jewellery Cambodia, the first flagship Hong Kong jewelry franchise store in Cambodia, with main purpose of exploring business collaboration for setting up strategic partnership, bolstering the precious metals market, bringing about benefits for end users, and working together towards a brighter future.

This visit was led by Mr. Lawrence Kook, Director and Chief Executive Officer of CDX, and warmly welcomed by Her Excellency Chhay Leakhena, Chairwoman of Lukfook Jewellery Cambodia.

“The Great Wall of China was not built in a day, and our visit today is on course for our bigger development, not only for ourselves but also our clients, partners, and the whole precious metals and derivatives industry. I look forward to an official collaboration with Lukfook in the very near future,” said Mr. Lawrence.

Sharing the same enthusiasm, Her Excellency Chhay Leakhena added, “As a leader in the jewelry business, Lukfook focuses on pushing ourselves to a higher level and expanding our market scope while providing the best quality of jewelry for our clients. Last year we opened our second store in Sihanoukville with 97 square meter space, expanding our brand to the most up and coming province in the country. We believe the new highway and continuous growing visitors in the province give us an exciting expansion opportunity. We acknowledge what CDX has done for Cambodian people, with their previous roadshow efforts in promoting precious metal and especially gold products, we are open for every opportunity to cooperate with CDX.”

This visit ended with an exciting atmosphere, with both parties expecting to soon strike a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen and kick off the win-together partnership.